CASA weekly news 24/14

Ma significant contribution from great academic trying to make the sector better. Well done!


Hello and welcome back to the CASA weekly news roundup. (We took a breather last week as we were both travelling away from our usual listening posts.)

What’s happening?

The proposed budget reforms to Australian higher education will finally make it to the lower house this week. With the focus on how much students will pay for their degrees, and how universities will compete effectively in a deregulated market, universities have a reason to promote their teaching and learning initiatives.

Macquarie University’s Learning & Teaching week in September is promising “Legends of the Lectern, and Superstars of the Stage“, and we’ll remain stoutly optimistic that they’ll all be asked to keep in mind the unsung Trojans of the Tutorials and the Spartan Sessionals who labour alongside them.

QUT are advertising A National Teaching & Learning Symposium to be held in October:

With an exodus of baby boomer academics on the horizon, the lack…

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About Malba Barahona

Educational researcher, language educator. PhD from Australian National University. Passionate bushwalker and mountain lover. I procrastinate reading fiction, hiking, doing yoga, riding, having a beer and more recently decolonizing my existence. I write in English and Spanish in different blogs especially with the purpose of encouraging my students to write.

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